Exist in an extreme world with Academia Cliff!

Academia Cliff!

Academia Cliff is your leading partner in the world of climbing and adventure!

Here you will find the perfect community to learn, improve and experience the emotional experience on the rocks.

Each new team member is an opportunity to enrich our experience and improve our performance.

We are open to mutual learning and cooperation, always ready to help and support newcomers in their professional and personal development.

Together, we are moving forward, supporting each other, inspiring and motivating to new achievements.

Our goal is not only to succeed as a team, but also to raise the level of work of each of us to achieve better results and realize our common ambitions.

Our services

Individual and group training: Our qualified instructors will provide you with the necessary knowledge and skills for safe and exciting climbing.

Courses and training programs: From beginners to experienced climbers, we have training programs for every skill level.

Excursions and trips: Join our expeditions and discover new climbing locations with our friendly team.

Equipment rental: In our database you will find everything you need for climbing – from carabiners and cables to shock absorbers and magnesia.

To learn more about our prices, visit the Services page.

Working hours:

  • Monday through Friday: 10:00 – 21:00
  • Saturday 10:00 – 20:00
  • Sunday Closed